NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course.
This course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Pistol Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Pistol Shooting course student packet.
This course prepares the student to teach the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course.It also fulfills the requirement to make application to teach the Oklahoma SDA classes, as well as the requirements for other states. Check your own state's regulations. Visit with the instructor for more information.
Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises. Click here for a pdf of the assessments.The instructor recomends that your consider taking the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course before taking the Instructor-level course. He generally offers it just prior to this course. See the Schedule.
What To Bring
• 3” ring binder, note-taking materials (this course given in conjunction with an NRA Instructor discipline only - never as a stand alone course)
• Pistol (caliber non-specific), 50 rounds ammunition for pre-course assessment and extra for practice (Total: 100 rounds or more)
Range Course
This class includes range time during which you will qualify. You should have your handgun and approximately 100 rounds of ammunition.
Register at the NRA web site: or download the registration here. Contact the instructor for more details. Class will be limited to 8 students with a minimum of 4 students.
Check the Schedule or Contact the Instructor for class dates, costs, and more information.
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