Federal Firearms License —— FFL
There are several types of FFL licenses given by the ATF. A FFL-Type 1 is a license that permits the licensee to buy and sell firearms and ammunition. It permits the holder to receive firearms from in-state (Oklahoma) or out-of-state dealers or individual sellers. After a NICS background check and approval the firearm can then be transfered to the buyer.
Purchasing a Handgun out of state
As an Oklahoma resident, if you want to purchase a handgun outside of Oklahoma, you may. However, you cannot take the handgun with you. It must be shipped to an FFL holder in your state or area of residence. You must provide the FFL's contact information to the dealer where you are purchasing the firearm. The dealer will contact the FFL and arrange for shipmet of the firearm to the FFL. You should also contact your FFL and let them know it is coming. When the FFL receives the firearm he/she must log the firearm into his/her records. [NOTE: the firearm officially become property of the FFL! Do deal with an FFL you can trust.] The FFL then contacts you and makes arrangements for the transfer of the firearm. The NICS background check must be done by the FFL before the transfer. Once aproval is given then the firearm can be transfered to you.
If you wish to discuss a handgun purchase, I am happy to discuss this with you. I can purchase a firearm from a dealer or wholesaler and then sell that to you.
Transfer Fee
The FFL normally charges a fee for doing the paperwork. The FFL must submit the NICS background check and keep a permanent record of the firearm transfer. Gun stores and major stores build this into the price of selling a firearm. If you are purchasing a firearm through the FFL, then the fee is usually built in. However, if you transfer a firearm the FFL charges a nominal fee. This can vary from region to region. The fee may also vary by the number of firearms transfered and by the frequency of transfer. A typical transfer fee is $25.
What Information Do I Need?
If you are going out of state to purchase a handgun and want to ship it back to me as the FFL, then print out the "Contact" page to take to the dealer. Also, you could contact me for my cell number. If you are purchasing on-line, then use that contact information to give to the on-line dealer for the FFL Transfer.
Remember to contact me so I will know about the possible transfer.
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