Schedule of Classes and Events
See the Classes tab (above) to see a full description of each course offering.
Download the Class Registration forms on the Contact page and mail or bring by the Contact address with payment.
Download a printable pdf form of the calendar. Click here.
Oklahoma SDA Class — Handgun Carry License Class - $70
Saturday SDA Classes INCLUDES lunch
AND your passport-style SDA digital ID photo! See the Registration Form for details.
2024 Schedule
Saturday, May 18, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday SDA Classes INCLUDES lunch
AND your passport-style SDA digital ID photo! See the Registration Form for details.
Saturday, May 18, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, 8 am to 5 pm
This course meets all training requirements in accordance with Title 21 Section 1290.1 known as the “Oklahoma Self Defense Act.” The Concealed Carry/Open Carry Handgun Class covers Oklahoma Law, Deadly Force issues, Safety, Shooting Fundamentals, Handgun Operation, Ammunition, and a 50-round course of fire. It is an abbreviated "basic" class for handguns with an emphasis on Safety.
Download the Class Registration forms and mail or call the Contact number on the registration form. I must have confirmation prior to the class!
Carry 101 - $95
After you get your license to carry—what's next?
The state-required training that is part of the Oklahoma SDA Handgun License Class is very basic. It should be regarded as the beginning not the end of your training. The License class will not make you a responsibly armed citizen, which should be your goal.
Once you take the License class, you need to have several goals to be a responsibly armed citizen. You need to shoot accurately in defensive situations; you need to learn how to draw and fire from your holster; Shooting strong and weak hand; and MORE!
We will cover many topics about concealed/open carry that are not covered in the “License Class” such as principles of personal defense in the home, basics of choosing a handgun, and conflict avoidance. We will shoot approximately 200 rounds.
TBA – I offer this class every few months! Check with me for dates.
NOW: Enroll in both classes (The License Class and Carry 101) for $150!
Download the Class Registration form and mail to or bring by the Contact address with payment.
***NOTE: Special price for US Law Shield members––both classes for --$145!
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course - $60
This class teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely. This is now taught in two parts. Phase I is an online class that must be completed prior to taking the Phase II portion. To enroll go to You may enrol in both Phase I and Phase II on this web site.
Full Class, is scheduled for Sept. 19, 2020. Check the PCR&PC website for details.
NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course - $60
This class teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely. This is now taught in two parts. Phase I is an online class that must be completed prior to taking the Phase II portion. To enroll go to You may enrol in both Phase I and Phase II on this web site.
Full Class, is scheduled for Sept. 19, 2020. Check the PCR&PC website for details.
NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course
This 2-day Pistol Instructor course includes the 6-hour Basic Instructor Training (BIT) and the 10-hour Pistol Instructor Modules. BIT includes NRA policies, speaking skills, training methods, aids, and teams, organizing a course, and how to build a budget. The Pistol Instructor module trains the student to teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a handgun safely, safe gun handling, handgun parts and operation, ammunition, range rules, shooting fundamentals from both the bench rest and two-handed standing positions, cleaning the handgun, and continued opportunities for skill development See the Course description for this class for complete details.
NRA Basic Personal Protection in the Home Course - $95
This class teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense. See the course description for this class for complete details.
Prerequisite: Proof of shooting experience can be one of the following: Course NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, NRA pistol competitive shooting qualification card, or military DD 214 with pistol qualification.
Contact the instructor if you have questions about enrolling. You may download the enrollment forms just click on the Registration Forms links.
Contact the instructor directly about scheduling private instructional time.
For NRA classes you may enroll at
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